Table of contents

Sous-tournois isomorphes à W5 dans un tournoi indécomposable
[Subtournaments isomorphic to W5 in an indecomposable tournament]

Théorie des nombres
Suites récurrentes linéaires : terme général et idempotents
[Linear recurrence sequences: General term and idempotents]

Théorie des nombres
Formes modulaires modulo 2 : Lʼordre de nilpotence des opérateurs de Hecke
[The nilpotence order of the mod2 Hecke operators]

Mathematical Analysis/Functional Analysis
Functions of perturbed tuples of self-adjoint operators

Mathematical Analysis
Closure of the set of pseudodifferential operators

Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
New boundary conditions on the time-like conformal infinity of the Anti-de Sitter universe

Partial Differential Equations/Probability Theory
An analytic approach to the ergodic theory of a stochastic variational inequality

Équations aux dérivées partielles
Résolution du problème de Dirichlet pour lʼéquation du Jacobien prescrit via lʼéquation de Monge–Ampère
[Solution of the Dirichlet problem for the prescribed Jacobian equation using the Monge–Ampère equation]

Partial Differential Equations
Existence of a global weak solution to Compressible Primitive Equations

Partial Differential Equations
A blowup result for the periodic NLS without gauge invariance

Géométrie algébrique/Géométrie analytique
Exemples de faisceaux cohérents sans résolution localement libre en dimension 3
[Examples of coherent sheaves with no resolution by locally free sheaves in dimension 3]

Differential Geometry/Mathematical Physics
Asymptotic flexibility of globally hyperbolic manifolds

Differential Geometry/Topology
Homotopy of EVII

Probability Theory/Statistics
On L2-structure of bilinear models on Zd