Notes de cours
Notes de cours
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Plein texte
Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Tome 45 (2009)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
Law of large numbers for superdiffusions : the non-ergodic case
Engländer, János
p. 1-6
Sparsity in penalized empirical risk minimization
Koltchinskii, Vladimir
p. 7-57
Spectral gap and convex concentration inequalities for birth-death processes
Liu, Wei
Ma, Yutao
p. 58-69
One-dimensional finite range random walk in random medium and invariant measure equation
Brémont, Julien
p. 70-103
Pathwise differentiability for SDEs in a convex polyhedron with oblique reflection
Andres, Sebastian
p. 104-116
Trends to equilibrium in total variation distance
Cattiaux, Patrick
Guillin, Arnaud
p. 117-145
Une condition asymptotique pour le calcul de constantes de Sobolev logarithmiques sur la droite
Miclo, Laurent
p. 146-156
Trees and asymptotic expansions for fractional stochastic differential equations
Neuenkirch, A.
Nourdin, I.
Rößler, A.
Tindel, S.
p. 157-174
Copolymer at selective interfaces and pinning potentials : weak coupling limits
Petrelis, Nicolas
p. 175-200
On the left tail asymptotics for the limit law of supercritical Galton-Watson processes in the Böttcher case
Fleischmann, Klaus
Wachtel, Vitali
p. 201-225
Changing the branching mechanism of a continuous state branching process using immigration
Abraham, Romain
Delmas, Jean-François
p. 226-238
A log-Sobolev type inequality for free entropy of two projections
Hiai, Fumio
Ueda, Yoshimichi
p. 239-249
Multiclass Hammersley-Aldous-Diaconis process and multiclass-customer queues
Ferrari, Pablo A.
Martin, James B.
p. 250-265
Poisson matching
Holroyd, Alexander E.
Pemantle, Robin
Peres, Yuval
Schramm, Oded
p. 266-287
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
Random walk on a building of type
and brownian motion of the Weyl chamber
Schapira, Bruno
p. 289-301
A two-scale approach to logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and the hydrodynamic limit
Grunewald, Natalie
Otto, Felix
Villani, Cédric
Westdickenberg, Maria G.
p. 302-351
Adaptive goodness-of-fit testing from indirect observations
Butucea, Cristina
Matias, Catherine
Pouet, Christophe
p. 352-372
Almost sure functional central limit theorem for ballistic random walk in random environment
Rassoul-Agha, Firas
Seppäläinen, Timo
p. 373-420
Brownian penalisations related to excursion lengths, VII
Roynette, B.
Vallois, P.
Yor, M.
p. 421-452
Moderate deviations for stationary sequences of bounded random variables
Dedecker, Jérôme
Merlevède, Florence
Peligrad, Magda
Utev, Sergey
p. 453-476
Some properties of superprocesses under a stochastic flow
Lee, Kijung
Mueller, Carl
Xiong, Jie
p. 477-490
Dynamical sensitivity of the infinite cluster in critical percolation
Peres, Yuval
Schramm, Oded
Steif, Jeffrey E.
p. 491-514
Random walk local time approximated by a brownian sheet combined with an independent brownian motion
Csáki, Endre
Csörgő, Miklós
Földes, Antónia
Révész, Pál
p. 515-544
On the regularity of stochastic currents, fractional brownian motion and applications to a turbulence model
Flandoli, Franco
Gubinelli, Massimiliano
Russo, Francesco
p. 545-576
Large deviations for voter model occupation times in two dimensions
Maillard, G.
Mountford, T.
p. 577-588
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 3
Poisson convergence for the largest eigenvalues of heavy tailed random matrices
Auffinger, Antonio
Ben Arous, Gérard
Péché, Sandrine
p. 589-610
Stochastic domination for iterated convolutions and catalytic majorization
Aubrun, Guillaume
Nechita, Ion
p. 611-625
Large deviations for Riesz potentials of additive processes
Bass, Richard
Chen, Xia
Rosen, Jay
p. 626-666
Infinite divisibility of solutions to some self-similar integro-differential equations and exponential functionals of Lévy processes
Pierre, Patie
p. 667-684
Quenched limits for transient, ballistic, sub-gaussian one-dimensional random walk in random environment
Peterson, Jonathon
p. 685-709
Pointwise ergodic theorems with rate and application to the CLT for Markov chains
Cuny, Christophe
Lin, Michael
p. 710-733
Convex entropy decay via the Bochner-Bakry-Emery approach
Caputo, Pietro
Dai Pra, Paolo
Posta, Gustavo
p. 734-753
A recursion formula for the moments of the gaussian orthogonal ensemble
Ledoux, M.
p. 754-769
Large deviations for partition functions of directed polymers in an IID field
Ben-Ari, Iddo
p. 770-792
Branching brownian motion with an inhomogeneous breeding potential
Harris, J. W.
Harris, S. C.
p. 793-801
Upper bounds for minimal distances in the central limit theorem
Rio, Emmanuel
p. 802-817
Planar Lorentz process in a random scenery
Pène, Françoise
p. 818-839
Potential confinement property of the parabolic Anderson model
Grüninger, Gabriela
König, Wolfgang
p. 840-863
On unique extension of time changed reflecting brownian motions
Chen, Zhen-Qing
Fukushima, Masatoshi
p. 864-875
Maximal brownian motions
Brossard, Jean
Émery, Michel
Leuridan, Christophe
p. 876-886
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 4
Hydrodynamic limit for a particle system with degenerate rates
Gonçalves, P.
Landim, C.
Toninelli, C.
p. 887-909
Superposition rules and stochastic Lie-Scheffers systems
Lázaro-Camí, Joan-Andreu
Ortega, Juan-Pablo
p. 910-931
A probabilistic ergodic decomposition result
Raugi, Albert
p. 932-942
Degenerate stochastic differential equations for catalytic branching networks
Kliem, Sandra
p. 943-980
Homogenization of locally stationary diffusions with possibly degenerate diffusion matrix
Rhodes, Rémi
p. 981-1001
On the small time asymptotics of the two-dimensional stochastic Navier-Stokes equations
Xu, Tiange
Zhang, Tusheng
p. 1002-1019
Cavity method in the spherical SK model
Panchenko, Dmitry
p. 1020-1047
Collision probabilities in the rarefaction fan of asymmetric exclusion processes
Ferrari, Pablo A.
Gonçalves, Patricia
Martin, James B.
p. 1048-1064
Quantitative recurrence in two-dimensional extended processes
Pène, Françoise
Saussol, Benoît
p. 1065-1084
Milstein's type schemes for fractional SDEs
Gradinaru, Mihai
Nourdin, Ivan
p. 1085-1098
Jump processes,
-harmonic functions, continuity estimates and the Feller property
Husseini, Ryad
Kassmann, Moritz
p. 1099-1115
Fractional multiplicative processes
Barral, Julien
Mandelbrot, Benoît
p. 1116-1129
The falling apart of the tagged fragment and the asymptotic disintegration of the brownian height fragmentation
Uribe Bravo, Gerónimo
p. 1130-1149
Intermittency properties in a hyperbolic Anderson problem
Dalang, Robert C.
Mueller, Carl
p. 1150-1164
Interlaced processes on the circle
Metcalfe, Anthony P.
O’Connell, Neil
Warren, Jon
p. 1165-1184