Lecture notes
Lecture notes
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Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Volume 42 (2006)
Issue no. 1
Table of Contents
Mesures quasi-Bernoulli au sens faible : résultats et exemples
Testud, Benoît
p. 1-35
Coarsening, nucleation, and the marked brownian web
Fontes, L. R. G.
Isopi, M.
Newman, C. M.
Ravishankar, K.
p. 37-60
Hydrodynamic limit for perturbation of a hyperbolic equilibrium point in two-component systems
Valkó, Benedek
p. 61-80
Bornes inférieures pour les marches aléatoires sur les groupes
-adiques moyennables
Mustapha, Sami
p. 81-88
Lévy's area under conditioning
Friz, P.
Lyons, T.
Stroock, D.
p. 89-101
A class of nonstationary adic transformations
Méla, Xavier
p. 103-123
Further probabilistic analysis of the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piscounov equation : one sided travelling-waves
Harris, J. W.
Harris, S. C.
Kyprianou, A. E.
p. 125-145
Issue no. 2
Table of Contents
Étude asymptotique d'une marche aléatoire centrifuge
Fouks, Jean-Denis
Lesigne, Emmanuel
Peigné, Marc
p. 147-170
Law of large numbers for a class of superdiffusions
Engländer, János
Winter, Anita
p. 171-185
Singularity functions for fractional processes : application to the fractional brownian sheet
Cohen, Serge
Guyon, Xavier
Perrin, Olivier
Pontier, Monique
p. 187-205
Repulsion of an evolving surface on walls with random heights
Fontes, L. R. G.
Vachkovskaia, M.
Yambartsev, A.
p. 207-213
Universality in Sherrington-Kirkpatrick's spin glass model
Carmona, Philippe
Hu, Yueyun
p. 215-222
Stochastic domination : the contact process, Ising models and FKG measures
Liggett, Thomas M.
Steif, Jeffrey E.
p. 223-243
Large deviations for rough paths of the fractional brownian motion
Millet, Annie
Sanz-Solé, Marta
p. 245-271
Issue no. 3
Table of Contents
Model selection via testing : an alternative to (penalized) maximum likelihood estimators
Birgé, Lucien
p. 273-325
Asymptotic behavior of the magnetization for the perceptron model
Márquez-Carreras, David
Rovira, Carles
Tindel, Samy
p. 327-342
Anticipative calculus with respect to filtered Poisson processes
Decreusefond, L.
Savy, N.
p. 343-372
Hausdorff-Besicovitch measure of fractal functional limit laws induced by Wiener process in Hölder norms
Lucas, Alain
Thilly, Emmanuel
p. 373-392
Issue no. 4
Table of Contents
Moderate deviations of empirical periodogram and non-linear functionals of moving average processes
Djellout, H.
Guillin, A.
Wu, L.
p. 393-416
Ergodicity for the stochastic complex Ginzburg-Landau equations
Odasso, Cyril
p. 417-454
Conditioned brownian trees
Le Gall, Jean-François
Weill, Mathilde
p. 455-489
Local behaviour of local times of super-brownian motion
Merle, Mathieu
p. 491-520
Issue no. 5
Table of Contents
A local limit theorem for directed polymers in random media : the continuous and the discrete case
Vargas, Vincent
p. 521-534
The compact support property for measure-valued processes
Engländer, János
Pinsky, Ross G.
p. 535-552
Two results on continuity and boundedness of stochastic convolutions
Kwapień, Stanisław
Marcus, Michael B.
Rosiński, Jan
p. 553-566
Nonequilibrium central limit theorem for a tagged particle in symmetric simple exclusion
Jara, M. D.
Landim, C.
p. 567-577
Asymptotic optimality of new adaptive test in regression model
Inglot, Tadeusz
Ledwina, Teresa
p. 579-590
The Martin entrance boundary of the Galton-Watson process
Alsmeyer, Gerold
Rösler, Uwe
p. 591-606
Fourier transform of a gaussian measure on the Heisenberg group
Barczy, Mátyás
Pap, Gyula
p. 607-633
A note on regularity for free convolutions
Belinschi, Serban Teodor
p. 635-648
Issue no. 6
Table of Contents
The empirical distribution of the eigenvalues of a Gram matrix with a given variance profile
Hachem, W.
Loubaton, P.
Najim, J.
p. 649-670
A new class of Ornstein transformations with singular spectrum
El Abdalaoui, E. H.
Parreau, F.
Prikhod'ko, A. A.
p. 671-681
Diffusions in random environment and ballistic behavior
Schmitz, Tom
p. 683-714
One-dimensional diffusion in an asymmetric random environment
Cheliotis, Dimitrios
p. 715-726
Exchangeable measures for subshifts
Aaronson, J.
Nakada, H.
Sarig, O.
p. 727-751
Minimal cyclic random motion in
and hyper-Bessel functions
Lachal, A.
Leorato, S.
Orsingher, E.
p. 753-772
Erratum to : “Green kernel estimates and the full Martin boundary for random walks on lamplighter groups and Diestel-Leader graphs”
Brofferio, Sara
Woess, Wolfgang
p. 773-774