Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
Sur la topologie de l’espace des opérateurs pseudodifférentiels inversibles d’ordre 0
[On the topology of the space of invertible pseudodifferential operators of order 0]
[On the topology of the space of invertible pseudodifferential operators of order 0]
Vecteurs distributions -invariants de représentations induites, pour un espace symétrique réductif -adique .
[-fixed distribution vectors of induced representations, for a reductive symmetric space ]
[-fixed distribution vectors of induced representations, for a reductive symmetric space ]
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
Modules de plus haut poids unitarisables sur la super-algèbre de Virasoro tordue
[Unitarizable highest weight modules over the twisted sector of the super Virasoro algebra]
[Unitarizable highest weight modules over the twisted sector of the super Virasoro algebra]
Sur les homéomorphismes du cercle de classe par morceaux () qui sont conjugués par morceaux aux rotations irrationnelles
[On piecewise class homeomorphisms of the circle which are piecewise conjugate to irrational rotations]
[On piecewise class homeomorphisms of the circle which are piecewise conjugate to irrational rotations]
Une variante de la méthode isopérimétrique de Hamidoune, appliquée au théorème de Kneser
[A variant of the isoperimetric method of Hamidoune, applied to Kneser’s theorem]
[A variant of the isoperimetric method of Hamidoune, applied to Kneser’s theorem]
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
Existence et équidistribution des matrices de dénominateur dans les groupes unitaires et orthogonaux
[Existence and equidistribution of denominator n-matrices in unitary and orthogonal groups]
[Existence and equidistribution of denominator n-matrices in unitary and orthogonal groups]
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
Intersection de courbes et de sous-groupes et problèmes de minoration de hauteur dans les variétés abéliennes C.M.
[Intersection of curves and subgroups; lower bound problems for the height in CM Abelian varieties]
[Intersection of curves and subgroups; lower bound problems for the height in CM Abelian varieties]
Un complément à l’article de Dloussky sur le colmatage des surfaces holomorphes
[A complement to a paper by Dloussky on filling of holomorphic surfaces]
[A complement to a paper by Dloussky on filling of holomorphic surfaces]
Transfert algébrique et action du groupe linéaire sur les puissances divisées modulo 2
[Algebraic transfer and action of linear groups on mod 2 divided powers]
[Algebraic transfer and action of linear groups on mod 2 divided powers]
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
Les groupes de triangles sont déterminés par leur spectre des longueurs
[Fuchsian triangle groups are characterized by their length spectrum]
[Fuchsian triangle groups are characterized by their length spectrum]