Issue no. 1 Table of Contents

Complex analysis
On the regularization of J-plurisubharmonic functions

Complex analysis
Extremal cases for the log canonical threshold

Ordinary differential equations/Probability theory
Backward doubly stochastic differential equations with a superlinear growth generator

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Hybrid high-order methods for variable-diffusion problems on general meshes

Partial differential equations
Infinitely many solutions for resonance elliptic systems

Functional analysis
Rudin's submodules of H2(D2)

Functional analysis/Algebraic geometry
Functional calculus on Nœtherian schemes

Contrôle optimal
Critères du type de Kálmán pour la contrôlabilité approchée et la synchronisation approchée d'un système couplé d'équations des ondes
[Criteria of Kálmán's type for the approximate controllability and the approximate synchronization of a coupled system of wave equations]

Algebraic geometry
De la pureté locale à la décomposition
[From local purity to decomposition]

Issue no. 2 Table of Contents

Mathematical analysis
Non-universality of the Nazarov–Sodin constant

Théorie du potentiel/Analyse harmonique
Propriétés de moyenne pour les fonctions harmoniques et polyharmoniques au sens de Dunkl
[Mean value properties for Dunkl-harmonic and Dunkl-polyharmonic functions]

Complex analysis/Analytic geometry
Additivity of the approximation functional of currents induced by Bergman kernels

Complex analysis/Differential geometry
A note on the Bergman Kernel

Partial differential equations/Mathematical problems in mechanics
Existence result for a one-dimensional eikonal equation

Partial differential equations/Mathematical physics
Stability of electromagnetic cavities perturbed by small perfectly conducting inclusions

Partial differential equations
The method of differential contractions

Functional analysis/Algebraic geometry
Noncommutative affine spaces and Lie-complete rings

Differential geometry
A gap theorem for minimal submanifolds in Euclidean space

Analyse numérique
Carreaux de Bézier–Serendip
[Bézier–Serendipity patches]

Issue no. 3 Table of Contents

Number theory/Algebraic geometry
On Deligne's periods for tensor product motives

Analyse mathématique/Équations aux dérivées partielles
Profils locaux et problèmes elliptiques à plusieurs échelles avec défauts
[Local profiles and elliptic problems at different scales with defects]

Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
Functions of perturbed noncommuting self-adjoint operators

Complex analysis
Complementability of exponential systems

Ordinary differential equations/Numerical analysis
Numerical analysis of an isotropic phase-field model with magnetic-field effect

Partial differential equations
Explicit solutions in evolutionary genetics and applications

Partial differential equations
Structure theorems for 2D linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equations

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Sur l'existence locale pour une équation de scalaires actifs

Partial differential equations/Optimal control
A localized nonstandard stabilizer for the Timoshenko beam

Algebraic geometry
Computing zeta functions on log smooth models

Choix du paramètre de lissage dans l'estimation à noyau d'une matrice de transition d'un processus semi-markovien
[Choice of the smoothing parameter in the kernel estimation of the transition matrix of a semi-Markovian process]

Issue no. 4 Table of Contents

Number theory/Dynamical systems
On periods modulo p in arithmetic dynamics

Number theory
On the square-root partition function

Homological algebra/Algebraic geometry
Upper bounds for dimensions of singularity categories

Ordinary differential equations/Dynamical systems
A delay differential-difference system of hematopoietic stem cell dynamics

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
On steady-state preserving spectral methods for homogeneous Boltzmann equations

Partial differential equations/Functional analysis
Lp-Taylor approximations characterize the Sobolev space W1,p

Geometry/Algebraic geometry
A characterization of d-uple Veronese varieties

Analytic geometry
Logarithmic residues along plane curves

Differential geometry
Heat equation in a model matrix geometry

Differential geometry
The Atiyah class of a dg-vector bundle

Mathematical problems in mechanics
New identity and Korn's inequalities on a surface

Calculus of variations
Duality for non-convex variational problems

Issue no. 5 Table of Contents

Number theory/Algebra
The norm map of Witt vectors

Algèbre homologique/Topologie
Homologies généralisées à coefficients
[Generalized homology theories with coefficients]

Mathematical analysis/Complex analysis
Extended τ-hypergeometric functions and associated properties

Mathematical analysis/Complex analysis
On some class of convex functions

Ordinary differential equations/Algebraic geometry
Tensor product and irregularity for holonomic D-modules

Functional analysis
KK-theory for some graph C-algebras

Algebraic geometry
On Euler–Poincaré characteristics

Produit de Chas–Sullivan et actions d'un groupe de Lie connexe
[Loop product and connected Lie group actions]

Issue no. 6 Table of Contents

Homological algebra/Topology
Two functions on Sp(g,R)

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
Uniqueness in a class of Hamilton–Jacobi equations with constraints

Complex analysis/Functional analysis
Composition operators on Hilbert spaces of entire functions

Complex analysis/Functional analysis
On holomorphic domination, II

Ordinary differential equations/Calculus of variations
Existence of bound and ground states for a system of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger–KdV equations

Partial differential equations/Harmonic analysis
Fractional Laplacians, extension problems and Lie groups

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Wave splitting for time-dependent scattered field separation

Partial differential equations/Functional analysis
Nonnegative measures belonging to H1(R2)

Partial differential equations
Courant-sharp eigenvalues of a two-dimensional torus

Dynamical systems
The C0 general density theorem for geodesic flows

Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Inégalités de Korn non linéaires dans Rn, avec ou sans conditions aux limites
[Nonlinear Korn inequalities in Rn, with or without boundary conditions]

Issue no. 7 Table of Contents

Number theory/Dynamical systems
A polynomial version of Sarnak's conjecture

Théorie des nombres/Géométrie algébrique
Dualité sur un corps local de caractéristique positive à corps résiduel algébriquement clos
[Duality over a local field of positive characteristic with algebraically closed residue field]

Lie algebras/Functional analysis
A note on the Kirillov model for representations of GLn(C)

Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
Almost commuting functions of almost commuting self-adjoint operators

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
An analytic proof of the planar quantitative isoperimetric inequality

Mathematical analysis/Dynamical systems
Ruelle operators with two complex parameters and applications

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
Quasi-periodic solutions for nonlinear wave equations

Complex analysis/Analytic geometry
Boundary asymptotics of the relative Bergman kernel metric for elliptic curves

Issue no. 8 Table of Contents

The Heesch number for multiple prototiles is unbounded

Tournois indécomposables et leurs sous-tournois indécomposables à six sommets
[Indecomposable tournaments and their indecomposable subtournaments with six vertices]

Number theory
The truth about torsion in the CM case

Algebra/Group theory
Quasi-hereditary property of double Burnside algebras

Complex analysis/Dynamical systems
Brody curves in complicated sets

Analyse complexe/Géométrie analytique
Approximation polynômiale des jets de Whitney ¯-plats
[Polynomial approximation of ¯-flat Whitney jets]

Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
Global continuity of solutions to quasilinear equations with Morrey data

Functional analysis
Function spaces on quantum tori

Numerical analysis
Which spline spaces for design?

Issue no. 9 Table of Contents

Combinatoire/Théorie des nombres
Les nombres de Stirling associés avec succession d'ordre 2, nombres de Fibonacci–Stirling et unimodalité
[The 2-successive associated Stirling numbers, Fibonacci–Stirling numbers and unimodality]

Homological algebra/Group theory
A refinement of a conjecture of Quillen

Group theory/Algebraic geometry
Automorphisms of T

Ordinary differential equations
Uniform simplification in a full neighborhood of a turning point

Ordinary differential equations/Dynamical systems
Formal normal form of Ak slow–fast systems

Partial differential equations/Differential geometry
Keller–Lieb–Thirring inequalities for Schrödinger operators on cylinders

Partial differential equations/Functional analysis
On the regularity of solutions to Poisson's equation

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Asynchronous numerical scheme for modeling hyperbolic systems

Algebraic geometry
On a question of Mehta and Pauly

Differential geometry
On cosymplectic groupoids

Issue no. 10 Table of Contents

Théorie des nombres
Un cadre explicite pour les polylogarithmes multiples p-adiques et les multizêtas p-adiques
[An explicit framework for p-adic multiple polylogarithms and p-adic multiple zeta values]

Théorie des nombres
Une notion de multizêtas finis associée au Frobenius du groupe fondamental de P1\{0,1,}
[A notion of finite multiple zeta values associated with the Frobenius of the fundamental group of P1\{0,1,}]

Number theory/Harmonic analysis
On convergence almost everywhere of series of dilated functions

Algebra/Lie algebras
Generalized Joseph's decompositions

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
Electromagnetic scattering by periodic structures with sign-changing coefficients

Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
On the defect of compactness in Banach spaces

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Une inégalité de Korn non linéaire dans W2,p, p>n
[A nonlinear Korn inequality in W2,p, p>n]

Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Internal null-controllability of the N-dimensional heat equation in cylindrical domains

Functional analysis/Dynamical systems
Disjoint mixing linear fractional composition operators in the unit ball

Issue no. 11 Table of Contents

Complex analysis
On weakly complete surfaces

Complex analysis/Differential geometry
Extension formulas and deformation invariance of Hodge numbers

Partial differential equations/Mathematical problems in mechanics
The gradient flow structure for incompressible immiscible two-phase flows in porous media

Functional analysis/Geometry
Uniform nonextendability from nets

Géométrie différentielle
Forme semi-locale des feuilletages legendriens
[Semi-local form of Legendrian foliations]

Differential geometry
On compact Ricci solitons in Finsler geometry

Topology/Computer science
Digital homotopy fixed point theory

Issue no. 12 Table of Contents

Number theory/Ordinary differential equations
On the mock-theta behavior of Appell–Lerch series

Partial differential equations/Mathematical physics
Boundary regularity of weakly anchored harmonic maps

Algebraic geometry
Twisted cubic curves in the Segre variety

Une généralisation de l'homologie de Khovanov
[A generalization of Khovanov's homology]

Probability theory
Conditionally Gaussian stochastic integrals

Probability theory
A central limit theorem for fields of martingale differences