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Notes de cours
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Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Tome 51 (2015)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
Tails of the endpoint distribution of directed polymers
Quastel, Jeremy
Remenik, Daniel
p. 1-17
Limits of multilevel TASEP and similar processes
Gorin, Vadim
Shkolnikov, Mykhaylo
p. 18-27
Multiplicative functionals on ensembles of non-intersecting paths
Borodin, Alexei
Corwin, Ivan
Remenik, Daniel
p. 28-58
Tunneling of the Kawasaki dynamics at low temperatures in two dimensions
Beltrán, J.
Landim, C.
p. 59-88
Moderate deviations for stabilizing functionals in geometric probability
Eichelsbacher, P.
Raič, M.
Schreiber, T.
p. 89-128
Sharp asymptotics of metastable transition times for one dimensional SPDEs
Barret, Florent
p. 129-166
Exit times for integrated random walks
Denisov, Denis
Wachtel, Vitali
p. 167-193
Stable limit laws for the parabolic Anderson model between quenched and annealed behaviour
Gärtner, Jürgen
Schnitzler, Adrian
p. 194-206
Geometric versus non-geometric rough paths
Hairer, Martin
Kelly, David
p. 207-251
On rates of convergence in the Curie–Weiss–Potts model with an external field
Eichelsbacher, Peter
Martschink, Bastian
p. 252-282
Average characteristic polynomials of determinantal point processes
Hardy, Adrien
p. 283-303
The speed of a biased walk on a Galton–Watson tree without leaves is monotonic with respect to progeny distributions for high values of bias
Mehrdad, Behzad
Sen, Sanchayan
Zhu, Lingjiong
p. 304-318
Stable laws and spectral gap properties for affine random walks
Gao, Zhiqiang
Guivarc’h, Yves
Le Page, Émile
p. 319-348
An algebraic construction of quantum flows with unbounded generators
Belton, Alexander C. R.
Wills, Stephen J.
p. 349-375
New insights into Approximate bayesian Computation
Biau, Gérard
Cérou, Frédéric
Guyader, Arnaud
p. 376-403
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
Percolations on random maps I: Half-plane models
Angel, Omer
Curien, Nicolas
p. 405-431
Scaling limit of random planar quadrangulations with a boundary
Bettinelli, Jérémie
p. 432-477
The cut-tree of large recursive trees
Bertoin, Jean
p. 478-488
Limit theorems for conditioned non-generic Galton–Watson trees
Kortchemski, Igor
p. 489-511
Scaling limits of Markov branching trees and Galton–Watson trees conditioned on the number of vertices with out-degree in a given set
Rizzolo, Douglas
p. 512-532
A class of special subordinators with nested ranges
Marchal, P.
p. 533-544
Weak convergence to stable Lévy processes for nonuniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems
Melbourne, Ian
Zweimüller, Roland
p. 545-556
An ergodic theorem for the extremal process of branching brownian motion
Arguin, Louis-Pierre
Bovier, Anton
Kistler, Nicola
p. 557-569
The spatial Lambda-Fleming–Viot process: An event-based construction and a lookdown representation
Véber, A.
Wakolbinger, A.
p. 570-598
A generalised Gangolli–Lévy–Khintchine formula for infinitely divisible measures and Lévy processes on semi-simple Lie groups and symmetric spaces
Applebaum, David
Dooley, Anthony
p. 599-619
On fluctuations of eigenvalues of random permutation matrices
Ben Arous, Gérard
Dang, Kim
p. 620-647
Fourier coefficients of invariant random fields on homogeneous spaces of compact Lie groups
Baldi, P.
Trapani, S.
p. 648-671
On the rate of convergence for critical crossing probabilities
Binder, I.
Chayes, L.
Lei, H. K.
p. 672-715
Asymptotic direction of random walks in Dirichlet environment
Tournier, Laurent
p. 716-726
Random walks on discrete point processes
Berger, Noam
Rosenthal, Ron
p. 727-755
Phase transition for the vacant set left by random walk on the giant component of a random graph
Wassmer, Tobias
p. 756-780
Parametric first-order Edgeworth expansion for Markov additive functionals. Application to
Ferré, D.
p. 781-808
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 3
A local limit law for the empirical spectral distribution of the anticommutator of independent Wigner matrices
Anderson, Greg W.
p. 809-841
Exchangeable random measures
Austin, Tim
p. 842-861
Seven-dimensional forest fires
Ahlberg, Daniel
Duminil-Copin, Hugo
Kozma, Gady
Sidoravicius, Vladas
p. 862-866
Large deviations of the empirical flow for continuous time Markov chains
Bertini, Lorenzo
Faggionato, Alessandra
Gabrielli, Davide
p. 867-900
Symmetric exclusion as a random environment: Hydrodynamic limits
Avena, Luca
Franco, Tertuliano
Jara, Milton
Völlering, Florian
p. 901-916
Metastable states in brownian energy landscape
Cheliotis, Dimitris
p. 917-934
Effective resistances for supercritical percolation clusters in boxes
Abe, Yoshihiro
p. 935-946
Diffusion in planar Liouville quantum gravity
Berestycki, Nathanaël
p. 947-964
Propagation of chaos for a subcritical Keller–Segel model
Godinho, David
Quiñinao, Cristobal
p. 965-992
Quantitative and qualitative Kac’s chaos on the Boltzmann’s sphere
Carrapatoso, Kleber
p. 993-1039
Qualitative properties of certain piecewise deterministic Markov processes
Benaïm, Michel
Le Borgne, Stéphane
Malrieu, Florent
Zitt, Pierre-André
p. 1040-1075
Some support properties for a class of
-Fleming–Viot processes
Liu, Huili
Zhou, Xiaowen
p. 1076-1101
Maximal Sobolev regularity in Neumann problems for gradient systems in infinite dimensional domains
Da Prato, Giuseppe
Lunardi, Alessandra
p. 1102-1123
Kolmogorov’s law of the iterated logarithm for noncommutative martingales
Zeng, Qiang
p. 1124-1130
Central limit theorems in linear dynamics
Bayart, Frédéric
p. 1131-1158
On the limiting behaviour of needlets polyspectra
Cammarota, Valentina
Marinucci, Domenico
p. 1159-1189
Uniform asymptotic properties of a nonparametric regression estimator of conditional tails
Goegebeur, Yuri
Guillou, Armelle
Stupfler, Gilles
p. 1190-1213
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 4
Critical branching brownian motion with absorption: Particle configurations
Berestycki, Julien
Berestycki, Nathanaël
Schweinsberg, Jason
p. 1215-1250
Branching random walks in random environment and super-brownian motion in random environment
Nakashima, Makoto
p. 1251-1289
Branching processes with interaction and a generalized Ray–Knight Theorem
Ba, Mamadou
Pardoux, Etienne
p. 1290-1313
Scaling limits of
-ary growing trees
Haas, Bénédicte
Stephenson, Robin
p. 1314-1341
Convergence of bi-measure
-trees and the pruning process
Löhr, Wolfgang
Voisin, Guillaume
Winter, Anita
p. 1342-1368
Maximum of a log-correlated gaussian field
Madaule, Thomas
p. 1369-1431
Large unicellular maps in high genus
Ray, Gourab
p. 1432-1456
Random two-component spanning forests
Kassel, Adrien
Kenyon, Richard
Wu, Wei
p. 1457-1464
Tracy–Widom asymptotics for
Ferrari, Patrik L.
Vető, Bálint
p. 1465-1485
Precise intermittency for the parabolic Anderson equation with an
-dimensional time–space white noise
Chen, Xia
p. 1486-1499
A Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook approximation to stochastic scalar conservation laws
Hofmanová, Martina
p. 1500-1528
Exponential asymptotics for time–space hamiltonians
Chen, Xia
Hu, Yaozhong
Song, Jian
Xing, Fei
p. 1529-1561
Invariant measure of duplicated diffusions and application to Richardson–Romberg extrapolation
Lemaire, Vincent
Pagès, Gilles
Panloup, Fabien
p. 1562-1596
An exact asymptotic for the square variation of partial sum processes
Lewko, Allison
Lewko, Mark
p. 1597-1619
Information bounds for inverse problems with application to deconvolution and Lévy models
Trabs, Mathias
p. 1620-1650