Issue no. 1 Table of Contents

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
Non-convex, non-local functionals converging to the total variation

Mathematical analysis
On polynomial interpolation of bivariate harmonic polynomials

Équations différentielles/Géométrie différentielle
Surfaces de Bonnet et équations de Painlevé
[Bonnet surfaces and Painlevé equations]

Partial differential equations
Boundedness in a full parabolic two-species chemotaxis system

Estimateur du quasi-maximum de vraisemblance géométrique d'une classe générale de modèles de séries chronologiques à valeurs entières
[Geometric quasi-maximum likelihood estimation for a general class of integer-valued time series models]

Analyse numérique
Métrique et qualité d'un simplexe
[Element metric]

Mathematical problems in mechanics
Symmetric solutions to the Leray problem

Issue no. 2 Table of Contents

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
Symmetry for extremal functions in subcritical Caffarelli–Kohn–Nirenberg inequalities

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
Dispersive estimates for the wave equation inside cylindrical convex domains: A model case

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Analyse numérique
Simulation de la propagation de fracture dans un solide élastique
[Simulation of the propagation of cracks in a brittle material]

Partial differential equations
Large deviations of a velocity jump process with a Hamilton–Jacobi approach

Harmonic analysis/Theory of signals
Lattice sub-tilings and frames in LCA groups

Algebraic geometry
On the kernel of the regulator map

Mathematical problems in mechanics/Differential geometry
New nonlinear estimates for surfaces in terms of their fundamental forms

Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique/Équations aux dérivées partielles
Une approche intrinsèque d'un modèle non linéaire de la théorie des coques
[An intrinsic approach to a nonlinear model in shell theory]

Issue no. 3 Table of Contents

r-Bell polynomials in combinatorial Hopf algebras

Number theory/Harmonic analysis
Special values of L-functions for orthogonal groups

Théorie des nombres/Géométrie algébrique
Dualité pour les groupes de type multiplicatif sur certains corps de fonctions
[Duality theorem for groups of multiplicative type over some function fields]

Algebra/Algebraic geometry
A note on Fröberg's conjecture for forms of equal degrees

Ordinary differential equations
A simple proof of the Lyapunov finite-time stability theorem

Partial differential equations
A short remark on a growth–fragmentation equation

Partial differential equations
A stochastic Hamilton–Jacobi equation with infinite speed of propagation

Partial differential equations
Instability of an integrable nonlocal NLS

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Analyse numérique
Analyse a posteriori d'erreur par reconstruction pour un modèle d'écoulement dans un milieu poreux fracturé
[A posteriori error analysis via post-processing for a model of flow in a fractured porous media]

Partial differential equations
Decay of solutions to a new Hall–MHD system in R3

Mathematical problems in mechanics/Partial differential equations
Multipreconditioning for nonsymmetric problems: The case of orthomin and biCG

Issue no. 4 Table of Contents

Combinatoire/Géométrie algébrique
Singularités canoniques et actions horosphériques

Number theory
Lehmer's totient problem over Fq[x]

Homological algebra/Topology
Perverse sheaves and knot contact homology

Mathematical analysis/Harmonic analysis
Multipliers for Besov spaces on graded Lie groups

Mathematical analysis/Harmonic analysis
Harmonic measure on sets of codimension larger than one

Complex analysis/Partial differential equations
The complex Monge–Ampère equation on weakly pseudoconvex domains

Complex analysis/Analytic geometry
Lelong numbers, complex singularity exponents, and Siu's semicontinuity theorem

Ordinary differential equations/Partial differential equations
Blow-up solutions for a general class of the second-order differential equations on the half line

Partial differential equations/Functional analysis
Logarithmic Sobolev inequality revisited

Géométrie algébrique
Faîte du cône tangent à une singularité : un théorème oublié
[Ridge of the tangent cone of a singularity: A forgotten theorem]

Differential geometry
Three-manifolds of constant vector curvature one

Issue no. 5 Table of Contents

Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Observability estimates for the wave equation with rough coefficients

Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
Interaction energy between vortices of vector fields on Riemannian surfaces

Harmonic analysis/Functional analysis
Besov continuity of pseudo-differential operators on compact Lie groups revisited

Harmonic analysis
On a discrete bilinear singular operator

Analyse harmonique
Une caractérisation de l'algèbre de Fourier pour certains groupes localement compacts
[A characterization of the Fourier algebra for some locally compact groups]

Analyse fonctionnelle
Un contre-exemple pour un espace d'interpolation qui n'est pas faiblement LUR
[A counterexample that provides a non-weakly LUR interpolation space]

Functional analysis/Dynamical systems
Mean ergodic theorem in symmetric spaces

Analytic geometry
Quot schemes and Ricci semipositivity

Differential geometry
Formality theorem for g-manifolds

Issue no. 6 Table of Contents

Number theory/Algebra
Trace formula for Witt vector rings

Number theory/Mathematical analysis
A new generalization of Apostol-type Laguerre–Genocchi polynomials

Homological algebra/Functional analysis
The cyclic homology of crossed-product algebras, I

Homological algebra/Functional analysis
The cyclic homology of crossed-product algebras, II

Homological algebra/Algebraic geometry
Kimura-finiteness of quadric fibrations over smooth curves

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Variational projector augmented-wave method

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Eigenvalue problems with sign-changing coefficients

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
A new method for solving Kolmogorov equations in mathematical finance

Probability theory/Geometry
Joint spectrum and large deviation principle for random matrix products

Issue no. 7 Table of Contents

Number theory/Dynamical systems
Dynamical covering problems on the triadic Cantor set

Lie algebras/Partial differential equations
Compatible Hamiltonian operators for the Krichever–Novikov equation

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
A sharp weighted anisotropic Poincaré inequality for convex domains

Complex analysis/Differential geometry
Remarks on the canonical metrics on the Cartan–Hartogs domains

Complex analysis/Analytic geometry
On the Lie group structure of automorphism groups

Partial differential equations/Theory of signals
Rigidity of optimal bases for signal spaces

Partial differential equations
Global regularity of two-dimensional flocking hydrodynamics

Analyse fonctionnelle
Vers un théorème de la limite centrale dans l'espace de Wasserstein ?
[Towards a central limit theorem in the Wasserstein space?]

Estimation locale linéaire de la régression non paramétrique fonctionnelle par la méthode des k plus proches voisins
[Local linear estimate of the regression operator by the kNN method]

Issue no. 8 Table of Contents

Théorie des nombres
Sur la méthode de Runge et les points entiers de certaines variétés modulaires de Siegel
[On Runge's method and the integral points of some modular varieties]

Group theory/Lie algebras
A non-perverse Soergel bimodule in type A

Mathematical analysis/Complex analysis
Intersection of harmonically weighted Dirichlet spaces

Mathematical analysis/Dynamical systems
Fully oscillating sequences and weighted multiple ergodic limit

Complex analysis/Functional analysis
Density of disk algebra functions in de Branges–Rovnyak spaces

Ordinary differential equations/Dynamical systems
The flowbox theorem for divergence-free Lipschitz vector fields

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Physique mathématique
Propagation des singularités et résonances
[Propagation of singularities and resonances]

Partial differential equations
On a Liouville-type theorem for the Ginzburg–Landau system

Harmonic analysis
Sharp weighted estimates involving one supremum

Differential geometry/Mathematical physics
A proof of energy gap for Yang–Mills connections

Dynamical systems
A notion of Denjoy sub-system

Probability theory/Harmonic analysis
A theorem of uniqueness for characteristic functions

Issue no. 9 Table of Contents

Restricting uniformly open surjections

Combinatorics/Ordinary differential equations
Correlation between Adomian and partial exponential Bell polynomials

Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
On the representation by sums of algebras of continuous functions

Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
A note on the fractional perimeter and interpolation

Functional analysis/Geometry
Powers and logarithms of convex bodies

Differential geometry
Rigidity of negatively curved geodesic orbit Finsler spaces

Topology/Differential topology
On maps which are the identity on the boundary

Issue no. 10 Table of Contents

Logic/Algebraic geometry
A proof of the integral identity conjecture, II

Mathematical analysis/Differential topology
A refined estimate for the topological degree

Potential theory/Complex analysis
On a constant in the energy estimate

Harmonic analysis/Functional analysis
Hamming cube and martingales

Analytic geometry/Differential topology
Scattering matrix and analytic torsion

Differential geometry
A note on the almost-one-half holomorphic pinching

Inférence fondée sur la vraisemblance pour des modèles de records
[Likelihood-based inference for record models]

Physique mathématique/Économie mathématique
Un algorithme dérivé de l'algorithme de Metropolis
[An algorithm derived from the Metropolis algorithm]

Issue no. 11 Table of Contents

Number theory
On the sum of reciprocals of least common multiples

Group theory/Differential geometry
On the irreducible action of PSL(2,R) on the 3-dimensional Einstein universe

Mathematical analysis/Mathematical physics
Existence and uniqueness of solutions to a model describing miscible liquids

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
An LP empirical quadrature procedure for parametrized functions

Differential geometry/Mathematical physics
Twist star products and Morita equivalence

Probability theory
About the conditional value at risk of partial sums

Mathematical problems in mechanics
Nonlinear estimates for hypersurfaces in terms of their fundamental forms

Issue no. 12 Table of Contents

Théorie des nombres
Une identité pour des polynômes d'Appell
[An identity for Appell polynomials]

Partial differential equations
Non-null-controllability of the Grushin operator in 2D

Partial differential equations/Functional analysis
A variational principle for problems with a hint of convexity