Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
Partial differential equations
Existence of multi-solitary waves with logarithmic relative distances for the NLS equation
Partial differential equations
Existence of a renormalized solution to the quasilinear Riccati-type equation in Lorentz spaces
Mathematical problems in mechanics
Asymptotic justification of the intrinsic equations of Koiter's model of a linearly elastic shell
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
Stokes and Navier–Stokes equations with Navier boundary condition
Analyse complexe/Géométrie analytique
Courants résidus et opérateurs de Monge–Ampère
[Residue currents and Monge–Ampère operators]
Ordinary differential equations
Phase portraits of integrable quadratic systems with an invariant parabola and an invariant straight line
Équations aux dérivées partielles/Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Approximation locale précisée dans des problèmes multi-échelles avec défauts localisés
[Local precised approximation in multiscale problems with local defects]
Partial differential equations/Harmonic analysis
Frequency decay for Navier–Stokes stationary solutions
Partial differential equations/Differential geometry
Eigenvalue and gap estimates of isometric immersions for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator acting on p-forms
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
Number theory/Algebraic geometry
Topological and equidistributional refinement of the André–Pink–Zannier conjecture at finitely many places
Théorie des groupes/Systèmes dynamiques
Stabilité analytique et convergence locale de translatées en dynamique homogène S-arithmétique
[Analytic stability and local convergence of translates in S-arithmetic homogeneous dynamics]
Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
Polynomial birth–death processes and the second conjecture of Valent
Partial differential equations/Mathematical economics
Mathematical analysis of a nonlinear PDE model for European options with counterparty risk
Partial differential equations/Complex analysis
On the summability of divergent power series satisfying singular PDEs
Partial differential equations
Exact controllability to trajectories for entropy solutions to scalar conservation laws in several space dimensions
Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Stabilization of the wave equations with localized Kelvin–Voigt type damping under optimal geometric conditions
Geometry/Differential geometry
Simply connected open 3-manifolds with slow decay of positive scalar curvature
Probability theory/Optimal control
Analysis and computation of probability density functions for a 1-D impulsively controlled diffusion process
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
An Ikehara-type theorem for functions convergent to zero
Mathematical analysis/Harmonic analysis
Centered Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator on the real line: Lower bounds
Complex analysis/Analytic geometry
A new proof of Kiselman's minimum principle for plurisubharmonic functions
Ordinary differential equations/Probability theory
Accelerated convergence to equilibrium and reduced asymptotic variance for Langevin dynamics using Stratonovich perturbations
Partial differential equations/Harmonic analysis
On the representation as exterior differentials of closed forms with L1-coefficients
Partial differential equations
p-Laplacian Keller–Segel equation: Fair competition and diffusion-dominated cases
Partial differential equations/Probability theory
Quasi-invariant Gaussian measures for the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with third-order dispersion
Functional analysis/Complex analysis
Construction of some classes of commutative Banach and C⋆-algebras of Toeplitz operators
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
Théorie des nombres
Somme translatée sur des suites primitives et la conjecture d'Erdös
[Translated sum on primitive sequences and Erdös conjecture]
Partial differential equations/Potential theory
On the structure of diffuse measures for parabolic capacities
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
Partial differential equations/Geometry
Analysis and boundary value problems on singular domains: An approach via bounded geometry
Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Local indirect stabilization of N–d system of two coupled wave equations under geometric conditions
Partial differential equations
Stabilization in three-dimensional chemotaxis-growth model with indirect attractant production
Optimal control/Differential geometry
Generic singularities of the 3D-contact sub-Riemannian conjugate locus
Geometry/Complex analysis
Homotopic equivalence of rational proper holomorphic discs of bounded symmetric domains of type I
Probability theory/Statistics
An exponential inequality for suprema of empirical processes with heavy tails on the left
Analyse numérique
Sur la distance à l'instabilité de polynômes matriciels quadratiques
[On the distance to instability of quadratic matrix polynomials]
Mathematical problems in mechanics
Thin layer approximations in mechanical structures: The Dirichlet boundary condition case
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
Functional analysis/Differential geometry
Riemann curvature tensor on spaces and possible applications
Issue no. 8 Table of Contents
Partial differential equations
Generalized good-λ techniques and applications to weighted Lorentz regularity for quasilinear elliptic equations
Issue no. 9 Table of Contents
Partial differential equations/Mathematical physics
On mean-field limits and quantitative estimates with a large class of singular kernels: Application to the Patlak–Keller–Segel model
Partial differential equations
On periodic subsolutions to steady second-order systems and applications
Théorème de Whitehead stratifié et invariants de nœuds
[Stratified Whitehead's theorem and knot invariants]
Issue no. 10 Table of Contents
Number theory/Mathematical analysis
Characterization of Kummer hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials and applications
Partial differential equations
Blow-up dynamics for the hyperbolic vanishing mean curvature flow of surfaces asymptotic to a Simons cone
Partial differential equations
Stability estimate in the inverse scattering for a single quantum particle in an external short-range potential
Issue no. 11-12 Table of Contents
Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
A note on estimates for elliptic systems with L1 data
Partial differential equations/Dynamical systems
Turing patterns induced by cross-diffusion in a 2D domain with strong Allee effect
Partial differential equations
Symmetry and classification of solutions to an integral equation of the Choquard type
Géométrie différentielle
Intégrales orbitales semi-simples et centre de l'algèbre enveloppante
[Semi-simple orbital integrals and center of the enveloping algebra]